Policy for Quality Assurance
Annex 1 to the Resolution of the Senate of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW No. 67-2019 / 2020 of 27.01.2020. on the introduction of the System of Ensuring and Improving the Quality of Education at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW.
at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW
Adhering to tradition and bearing in mind the mission and values of WULS-SGGW, we assume that the quality of education is one of the basic elements of our University’s operation. Conducting scientific research, knowledge transfer, internationalization of business and building positive relationships in the socio-economic environment synergistically support the learning process.
The aims of the education process at the first and the second degree studies, the uniform master’s studies, in the Doctoral School and at the postgraduate studies is to provide education so that our graduates have the highest level of knowledge, skills and social competences and are prepared to function in a modern knowledge-based society and to operate on the contemporary labor market.
The objectives of the quality assurance are achieved by implementing the following tasks:
- creating, monitoring and improving education programs;
- ensuring consistency of education programs with the Polish Qualifications Framework;
- monitoring, analysis and assessment of the level of achievement of assumed learning outcomes by students, doctoral students and post-graduate students;
- ensuring consistency of education and research;
- improving the quality of research and teaching, teaching and technical and administrative staff;
- improving the quality of research and teaching infrastructure used in the education process;
- using the potential of the socio-economic environment in the implementation of education
and the evaluation and improvement of the quality of education; - development of cooperation with leading research centers in the field of education;
- development of internationalization of the education process;
- providing information to internal and external stakeholders about activities undertaken
in the field of improving the quality of education; - monitoring the position of graduates on the labor market;
- enhancing the attractiveness and competitiveness of education at SGGW;
- shaping pro-quality attitudes and developing a culture of education quality at SGGW.
Activities in the field of quality assurance at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW
are in accordance with the current Strategy of the SGGW as well as the Bologna Strategy guidelines and are based on legal provisions, internal regulations and recommendations on the quality
of education contained in Standards and Guidelines on the Quality of Education in the European Higher Education Area ENQA and other guidelines recognized as good practices in the global educational space.
The quality assurance is planned, implemented, verified and improved by means of the Internal System for Providing and Improving the Quality Assurance.
All members of the academic community of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW
are responsible for ensuring and improving the quality of education.